:- module('five+http://tests.com',[]). en("the target language is: prolog. the templates are: *a fluents* holds at *a time*, *an event* happens at *a time*, *an event* initiates *a fluent* at *a time*, *an event* terminates *a fluent* at *a time*, *a fluent* is interrupted between *a first time* and *a second time*, the knowledge base EC includes: a fluent holds at a T if an event happens at a T1 and the event initiates the fluent at T1 and T1 is before T and it is not the case that the fluent is interrupted between T1 and T. a fluent is interrupted between a T1 and a T2 if a second event happens at a T3 and the second event terminates the fluent at T3 and T1 is before T3 and T3 is before T2. switch up initiates light at a time. switch down initiates dark at a time. switch up terminates dark at a time. switch down terminates light at a time. scenario switching is: a X is before a Y if X is in [1,2,3,4] and Y is in [1,2,3,4] and X =< Y. switch up happens at 1. switch down happens at 4. query one is: which fluent holds at 3 and which other fluent holds at 5. query two is: which fluent holds at which time. "). /** ?- answer("one with switching"). */